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It’s Life

In this thing called LIFE, we all have our ambitions and dreams. The desires of our hearts and what we set out to achieve in the course of life. It’s what unites us. I mean, we are all different in one way or another. I could be rich, poor, have parents, be an orphan, disabled or in good health but my dream is more likely same as yours. TO HAVE A BETTER TOMORROW.

I won’t try to make this post interesting. There is nothing interesting about ambition. It’s a BURDEN that we carry all our lives. A big one. We all want success within our reach and we outdo ourselves to achieve this goal. Work hard in school, take extra jobs; extra hours, lick shoes, all to achieve that one or two things in our minds.

Funny thing, the minute we achieve our initial goals, our ambitions change and we want to go higher, beyond what we have achieved. I told you it’s a burden. They say the only constant is change. With progress comes change and nothing remains the same anymore. So what is there for us????

Well, I gave up deciding what’s better I settled on the ambition thing. I have set my eyes to achieve my next goal in life, which will lead to the next and on and on…its systematic. Maybe along this path I will discover something more than ambition.

Well, it’s ambition that drives my daily life. Doing what it takes to achieve that one thing that’s going to take me one step closer. My single biggest fear now becomes not achieving that goal. That is a burden I have to carry, that we have to carry as long as ambition drives us.

So when we meet and my mind is preoccupied, don’t you worry. Don’t ask why am worried and am still young. There is a whole future to be planned for. Nothing falls into place just like that.

That is life.

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“Forgive me for chillin’ on y’all pips for all this while. Turns out this kinda stuff requires a lot of mojo (inspiration) and between me and you I haven’t quite been getting the exposure I need. I really rely on life experiences for my blogs. I don’t just post anything. If I have a dream I post, if something really touches me and I have a feeling it could have the same effect on you then bam! I have a blog post. The same goes for when I do something successful”
The other weekend I went out of my busy study cum partying schedule and accompanied my best friend to visit his cousins who were having a kireunion. They were only the brothers and sisters their parents were left at home.

Turned out this would really inspire me.

They had chosen to have the reunion at the house of one of their brothers who had just landed a job as an Assistant Production Manager at a tea factory. That was one of the success stories among many. When we arrived at the factory; at his allocated company house, we were ushered in by a catering team and that’s when we realized that he was big in that place. The guy was not yet married so he relied on the caterers to take care of us. In the house everything was in order and they had just been waiting for us.

The seats were neatly arranged and the food was already on the table almost distracting our greetings as we met with the young manager. In the Kenyan style we almost immediately started “working” on the food which was quite luscious. The caterers had been meticulous we also did our best to clear the meat off the bones and the food off the hotpots. We savored the food served as a buffet to our fill. There were 11 of us. Me and my friend, four brothers their sister with two of her girlfriends, a wife to one of their brothers and their kid.

The hospitality factor was my detour. Let’s get to business.

As the day progressed into the evening it became really cold and we had to light up the fire place in the living room. The room became warm and everybody was gathered around the fireplace. In fact we had to move the sofa so we could all be near the blazing flames. What intrigued me most is that instead of just telling each other stories they started talking of how each had a willingness to succeed through various business activities. They started sharing ideas and sharing what they had seen others do and had been successful. This really cheered me up as I found myself agreeing with most of the points they put across.

The eldest in the room was a guy who was working in Qatar. He had a wife and was blessed with a five year old girl. He kept encouraging his siblings that they should start saving and investing what they were earning. I took the opportunity. I started writing my own mental notes.

We didn’t sleep early that night. We kept talking till late into the night as each addition of firewood to the fire aptly gave us new strength to continue.
Finally at around 3.00am next morning before retiring to bed as the blaze and wood slowly degenerated into ash, it was time for each of us to share a word. Going round each would say something as others listened. When it was my turn I felt like I had a lot to say but decided to sum it up in some wise sayings.
I told them I was really honored to have made it to that place because I had learnt a lot. Their family was a huge inspiration. Rarely do we see such bonding. I told them that if they were to stick together always the way they were doing then they were bound to achieve great things. I told them of the wisdom of the sticks which when held together form a sturdy bond that is hard to break but can be broken one by one.

Unity is strength. They agreed; I had a point.

Swiftly though, I didn’t let the opportunity slip away I made my move and enquired of the guy from Qatar of the prices of some items. Electronics seemed to be the perfect items to import from Qatar he said. So I made a mental note and took his contacts just in case things got better and I needed his assistance in that kind of field. The early bird catches the worm, they say

I also exchanged contacts with the manager guy who turns out sometimes comes for luncheons in a town near our college. This could be a chance for free lunches 😉

In essence, while still enjoying myself I got to learn a lot from these simple people who are working on achieving great things. I am also a simple guy looking forward to great achievements. I found myself basking in the comfort of common ideas. These are the people who mentor me.

Fellow readers, be inspired and work towards your goals no matter what and remember when things get tough it’s the love that you share with your family that could get you going. Embrace your friends embrace your family.

Once again Iam a dreamer but it doesn’t make sense to just dream and have nothing to show for it. That is why, fellow internet users, blogger, dreamers and hustlers like me, that is why, I will let you know when my dreams do come true and reveal all my footsteps.

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This Video Touched Me

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Some Inspiration

for cool minds only

Just a minute I brush my palms against each other, create some warmth prepare my fingers for yet another blog post.


Okay, so some time back  I got to sit down with one of my favourite uncles. He gave me a major talk (a msomo). In the first place my uncle is not the kind of guy who’s always serious with stuff. He likes to crack up jokes. So you can imagine the kind of fix he can get into trying to do a serious face. But for the successful man that he is, I must confess that he did a pretty job.

Against all odds, he inspired me; kicked up some mojo in me. Lit up some fire in me take care you don’t get burnt






Now you can take a look at the picture and please ignore the quality. The first is a (mnemonic) —–> SWOT. which stands for

S- Strengths

W- Weaknesses

O- Opportunities

T- Threats

In his words, I should utilise my strengths, beware of my weaknesses, watch out for opportunities and remember there are threats that are detrimental to my success. A wise man this one, heh? Yeah you should know it runs in the family too.

The pie chart is like a target you place for yourself listing all that you want to achieve in each of the 8 pieces and then giving yourself a score depending on the level of achivement of that item. For example, as my uncle told, I put down the salary I would want to earn in my job. I came up with an amount then gave myself a score of zero coz am not yet working. But for by business targets….I scratched my head a little bit and came up with 1.5 on a scale of 10. Yeah am somewhere but where I intend to go…..I should definately surpass the 10 mark.

I guess you have now realised that this blog is’nt about my dream. It’s about someone elses dream. I have always insisted that my blogs will be about my dreams, but as it turns out in life you don’t have to rely on your dreams alone. YOU CAN ALSO RELY ON THE PEOPLE WHO DREAMT AND MADE IT. They make your work easier. They dreamt for you and are living their dreams. Now emulate them if they are successful and if they are not desist from doing anything they ever did.That’s where perfection sets in.

When people make decisions there are the good points that worked for them and there are the bad points that either fell them or that made them struggle in what they do. Always try and know this points so that at the end of it all you emerge at the top. Where we all belong.

So, in a nutshell, am a dreamer but it doesn’t make sense to just dream and have nothing to show for it. That is why, fellow internet users, blogger, dreamers and hustlers like me, that is why, I will let you know when my dreams do come true and reveal all my footsteps.

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How It All Began

My dreams began way back when I was a small kid. Partly influenced by a lot of factors. Back then anything sugary was a treat for me, a luxury something you could only get if you had these 1 shilling coins or even back then when the economy hadn’t developed so much, a 50 cent coin. And hell these coins were hard to find for us kids although whenever we had a few we would keep the shopkeeper smiling and remain in “abject poverty” you could literally die albeit from the inside if starved of sugar for a while.

So I dreamt of how I lived in a far far away kingdom drowning in a sugary ocean. I reason that if there was a salty ocean there must have been a sugary one. That was my first dream in a series of many.

Coming of age though, there were more importants things to consider. So, agely put I started serious dreaming back when I was in high school.

I was an ambient reader though just on average. A good story presents you with formidable characters who inspire ones thinking making you want to live and act like them. Make one wish one’s life was like that. I have always thought that at the current times writers and movie directors must have the best jobs in the world. They create stuff that inspire trends in us. Envisioning things beyond our realm of thought. But still it wasn’t a movie or a book that got me dreaming.

As humans we have a tendency to always think that situations are always better beyond the horizon where we can”t see. The “grass is greener on the other side” kind of thinking. Then as we clamour to reach beyond the horizon we begin the unending cycle of events that lead us back to where we started in a pragmatic kind of situation; nothing to show for the effort.

ALWAYS LOOK AT YOUR SURROUNDING. Your immediate environment. This is what got me dreaming – the things that surround me.

Well, I love nature. It sets in me some peace; an alure of perfection. Nature inspires my thinking. Amidst all these beauty I render myself such a small entity in comparison but everything every living thing just fits into place. Sternly looking at it everything stems out of it; says me. I adore nature; I want to preserve nature; I want to reduce all the pollution causing dry spells that destroys all that is natural.

So when I was in my prime high school years I had my first big dream.


Intertwined within aspects of Physics and nature I had a series of ideas. I sat down collected all my thoughts and ideas and put them on paper; my idea in black and white. I went for the Science Congress. I competed with other intellectuals before realising I had to up my public speaking skills because such forum depends highly on presentation. Am kind of shy and I don’t well with crowds so with that I didn’t go far, my project wasn’t picked up for consideration but the clever me still has those papers so its still on just waiting for the right time.

That is just my Physics with nature. I also did Business Studies and again our environment consists of a whole variety of business ventures; supermarkets, companies, industries e.t.c. Translated, this is where my business dreams started.

So in a nutshell, that is how my dream in business started. Am a dreamer I dream, I dreamt business. But like I always say it isn’t just about the dreams but also putting our dreams to ground. Laying the foundation. That is why, fellow internet users, blogger, dreamers and hustlers like me, that is why, I will let you know when my dreams do come true and reveal all my footsteps.




That’s the headache programmers first encounter the same day they try to figure out the name of their new Introduction to Programming unit lecturer, trying to decipher his/her facial expression; trying to figure out if there is a potential for unending assignments or hard tests from him/her, when suddenly you are awakened from your short-lived stupor when you are given the first assignment.

“When you go back to your places please ensure to practice what we’ve learned today and then you can try to create a program that will unlike the one we used in the example, output HELLO WORLD!!! ten times”

That’s when your fellow mate comes in handy; reminding you what you missed.

Well, am no programmer but I can crack up some useful crap material from my introductory course unit. I concentrated.

Am a DREAMER. I dream. I dream big, I dream small. I dream complicated, I dream simple. I dream.

My blog is all about my dreams.

Back when I was younger I had a passion for writing yaani I dreamt about writing. My dreams were so nice and creative, lavished with beautiful words, good sentence construction and modelled with a good handwriting; the teachers had an easy time giving nice scores for my compositions. But you see I lagged behind in my dream that’s why am not listed among big writers’ names……yet. But am on my way don’t you think. Well I guess I still got a long way to go but that’s just among the many steps that I have to take before I can achieve that dream.

Well ,anyway, we all have dreams, desires and ambitions in our lives but it takes a lot of effort and determination to put your dreams to action. You need a lot of perseverance and patience as well; nothing comes easy.

So, in a nutshell, am a dreamer but it doesn’t make sense to just dream and have nothing to show of it. That is why, fellow internet users, blogger, dreamers and hustlers like me, that is why, I will let you know when my dreams do come true and reveal all my footsteps.